Outcome Chart - Prince Edward Island - Health Education Grade 6

This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the Prince Edward Island Grade 6 Health Education with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Wellness Choices

Overall Expectations

Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others.

Specific Expectations

Personal Health

  • evaluate the need for balance and variety in daily activities that promote personal health
  • examine how health habits/behaviours influence body image and feelings of self-worth

MediaSmarts Resources


Safety and Responsibility

  • identify and communicate values and beliefs that affect healthy choices
  • analyse how laws, regulations, and rules contribute to health and safety practices
  • evaluate the impact of personal behaviour on the safety of self and others
  • demonstrate responsibility for, and skills related to, the safety of self and others

MediaSmarts Resources


Student Tutorials

Sexual Health

describe physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during puberty

MediaSmarts Resources


Relationship Choices

Overall Expectations

Students will develop effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect, and caring in order to establish and maintain healthy interactions.

Specific Expectations

Understanding and Expressing Feelings

  • recognize that individuals can choose their own emotional reactions to events and thoughts
  • establish personal guidelines for expressing feelings
  • develop personal strategies for dealing with stress and change
  • identify, analyse, and develop strategies to overcome barriers to communication

MediaSmarts Resources


Student Tutorials


  • develop strategies to maintain and enhance appropriate cross-age relationships
  • apply a variety of strategies for resolving conflict

MediaSmarts Resources
