Outcome Chart - Nova Scotia - Mathematics Grade 12
Logical Reasoning
Overall Expectations
LR02 Students will be expected to solve problems that involve the application of set theory.
Specific Expectations
LR03.02 Make and justify a decision, using “what if?” questions, in contexts such as probability, finance, sports, games, or puzzles, with or without technology.
MediaSmarts Resources
Overall Expectations
P01 Students will be expected to interpret and assess the validity of odds and probability statements.
Specific Expectations
P01.01 Provide examples of statements of probability and odds found in fields such as media, biology, sports, medicine, sociology, and psychology.
P01.02 Explain, using examples, the relationship between odds (part-part) and probability (partwhole).
P01.03 Express odds as a probability and vice versa.
P01.04 Determine the probability of, or the odds for and against, an outcome in a situation.
P01.05 Explain, using examples, how decisions may be based on probability or odds and on subjective judgments.
P01.06 Solve a contextual problem that involves odds or probability.