New Brunswick - Personal Wellness 3

Strand: Wellness

Big Idea: Healthy Lifestyle

Skill Descriptor:

Explore personal health habits that contribute to wellness.

Achievement Indicators:

Describe healthy eating habits

List healthy food choices for meals and snacks

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Personal Safety

Skill Descriptor:

List behaviours and procedures that contribute to personal safety.

Achievement Indicators:

Identify personal information and ways to protect it

Identify when elements of a situation are unsafe

List behaviors that will keep self and peers safe

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Mental Fitness

Big Idea: Positive Mental Health

Skill Descriptor:

Explore the importance of talking about emotions and emotional responses.  

Achievement Indicators:

    Describe positive and negative feelings

    Talk about feelings comfortably

    Recognize the feelings of others

    Describe emotional responses and their influence on behaviour

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Mental Health Strategies

Skill Descriptor:

Demonstrate self-calming strategies to regulate emotional reactions.  

Achievement Indicators:

    List self-calming strategies

    Demonstrate self-calming strategies

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Relationships

Big Idea: Healthy Relationships

Skill Descriptor:

Demonstrate acceptance of and appreciation for diversity.  

Achievement Indicators:

    List examples of diversity

    Recognize that all people are diverse in different ways

    Describe ways to celebrate diversity in ourselves and others

MediaSmarts Resources

Big Idea: Bullying and Conflict

Skill Descriptor:

Identify bullying and ways to prevent and intervene when it occurs.

Achievement Indicators:

    Define bullying and conflict

    Distinguish between bullying and conflict

    List three ways to deal with bullying

MediaSmarts Resources

Skill Descriptor:

Describe strategies to resolve conflict. 

Achievement Indicators:

    Give examples of conflict

    Employ strategies to resolve conflict

MediaSmarts Resources

Strand: Career Connected Learning

Big Idea: Exploring Potential Career Pathways

Skill Descriptor:

Critically investigate and describe the labour market and preferred career pathways.    

Achievement Indicators:

    Discuss skills and knowledge used by adults

    Engage in career conversations with family, friends, and school staff

    Explore different activities people do in a variety of locations outside of school

MediaSmarts Resources