Outcome Chart - Alberta - Information and Communication Technology Division 3

Communicating, Inquiring, Decision Making and Problem Solving

C-2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.

  • access diverse viewpoints on particular topics by using appropriate technologies
  • assemble and organize different viewpoints in order to assess their validity
  • use information technology to find facts that support or refute diverse viewpoints

C-3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of technologies.

  • evaluate the authority and reliability of electronic sources
  • evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information to a particular topic


Educational Games

Activities and Student Handouts


Student Tutorial (Licensed Resource)

Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts

F-2 Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society.

  • describe the impact of communication technologies on past, present and future workplaces, lifestyles and the environment
  • analyse and assess the impact on society of having limitless access to information

F-3 Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.

  • explain the issues involved in balancing the right to access information with the right to personal privacy
  • understand the need for copyright legislation
  • cite sources when using copyright and/or public domain material
  • download and transmit only materials that comply with the established network use policies and practices model and assume personal responsibility for ethical behaviour and attitudes and acceptable use of information technologies and sources in local and global contexts

F-4 Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information.

  • understand the nature of various media and how they are consciously used to influence an audience
  • identify specific techniques used by the media to elicit particular responses from an audience
  • recognize that the ability of technology to manipulate images and sound can alter the meaning of a communication


Educational Games


Student Tutorial (Licensed Resource)