What We Do

MediaSmarts is Canada’s bilingual centre for digital media literacy. A registered charity, MediaSmarts has been conducting research, developing resources and advancing digital media literacy since 1996.

Digital media literacy is the ability to critically, effectively and responsibly access, use, understand and engage with media of all kinds.

Our work falls into three main areas: research and evaluation, education, and awareness and outreach.

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Our research-to-resource model:

Research and evaluation – We conduct and disseminate original research that informs our resource development and policy issues related to all media.

Education - We create free, bilingual educational resources for educators, parents/guardians, and the general public, and provide internationally-regarded digital media literacy expertise.

Awareness and outreach - We work in partnership with organizations to advance digital media literacy in Canada and elsewhere. Learn how to get involved with our work.

Our Vision

Empowering people to engage with all forms of media confidently and critically.

Our Mission

Leading the advancement of digital media literacy through world-class research, education, public engagement and outreach.

Our Values

  • Learning - We believe life-long learning is essential.
  • Integrity - We maintain our independence and ground all our work in ethical research and evidence.
  • Collaboration - We prioritize working collaboratively as a team and with partners.
  • Inclusion - We support and include diverse experiences and perspectives in everything we do.