Career Education
The Newfoundland career education curriculum includes expectations that incorporate media education themes. The curriculum document Career Development Intermediate (2012) includes a section that demonstrates the complementary relationship between media literacy and career education:
Literacy is not limited to the ability to read and write. Literacy is now viewed as a lifelong learning enterprise beginning at birth that involves many complex concepts and understandings. It includes the capacity to learn to communicate, read, write, think, explore and solve problems.
Literacy now consists of:
- comprehending and communicating meaning;
- making connections both personally and inter-textually;
- critically analyzing and problem solving;
- responding personally;
- creating a variety of texts;
- enjoying reading and viewing; and
- participating in the socio-cultural world of the community
With modelling, support and practice, students’ thinking and understandings are deepened as they work with engaging content and participate in focused conversations. When students engage in inquiry-based learning they use language and thinking skills to explore a range of topics and issues. Their identity and independence develop further, allowing exploration of issues such as identity, social responsibility, diversity and sustainability as creative and critical thinkers
Click on a grade level under Career Education for a list of media-related outcomes and links to supporting resources from the MediaSmarts site. (Note: as many of our lessons can be adapted to suit different grade levels, specific lessons may be listed for more than one grade. Teachers should also note that individual lessons often satisfy a number of learning outcomes.)