Escaping the Comparison Trap
This tip sheet will give you some tips for building a healthier relationship with social media so you can avoid the comparison trap and feel better about yourself online.
Understand How the 'Comparison Trap' Works
Here are a few things about social media that make us more likely to compare ourselves to others:
- Self-Presentation: People usually only post the best versions of themselves online. They might use filters to make their pictures look perfect or only share positive updates about their lives. Remember that what you see on social media isn't always a true reflection of reality.
- Apparent Reality: When we see other people's feeds, we often forget that they are carefully curated. We might think we're getting a glimpse into their real lives, but we're often just seeing what they want us to see.
- Social Media Design: The way social media apps are designed can encourage us to compare ourselves to others. Features like likes, comments, and follower counts can make us focus on popularity and validation rather than genuine connection.
Be Picky About Who You Follow
One of the best ways to avoid the comparison trap is to be mindful of who you follow. Ask yourself these questions:
- Who makes me feel good? Make a list of accounts that inspire you, make you laugh, or share information you find valuable.
- Who makes me feel bad? Think about the accounts that leave you feeling jealous, insecure, or negative. Consider unfollowing or muting those accounts. You can mute people if you don’t want them to know that you’ve unfollowed them.
Remember: It’s okay to unfollow or mute people, even if they are your friends or family. You're in control of your own feed, and you deserve to follow accounts that make you feel good.
Train Your Algorithm
Did you know that the posts you see on your feed aren't random? Social media platforms use algorithms to decide what content to show you. The algorithm tries to show you things it thinks you'll like, based on what you've engaged with in the past. Check out our video and tip sheet How to Train Your Algorithm to learn how.
Remember, Nobody's Perfect
It’s easy to forget that everyone is human when you’re scrolling through carefully curated feeds. Remember that everyone has flaws, insecurities, and bad days – even if they don’t show it online.
Instead of focusing on what you think is "perfect," try to focus on the positive aspects of your own life. What are you grateful for? What makes you unique and special?
Take Breaks and Reset
If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, take a break from social media. You can also reset your app preferences periodically to start fresh.
By following these tips, you can cultivate a more positive and authentic social media experience. Remember to be kind to yourself and others, and don’t be afraid to take control of your online space!