Outcome Chart - New Brunswick - Visual Arts 6
Strand: Create
Big Idea: Exploration and Process
Skill Descriptor:
Analyze elements of art and principles of design to develop skills, language, techniques, and processes.
Achievement Indicators:
Differentiate between shape and form
Use contour to create a shape
Use a variety of techniques to illustrate texture, value, form
MediaSmarts Resources
Big Idea: Application and Product
Skill Descriptor:
Create and present expressive work in visual arts for a range of audiences and purposes using a variety of art media including technology.
Achievement Indicators:
Create works of art using identified media and corresponding techniques
Create artworks based on a response to a variety of art styles
Communicate personal meaning through artwork
Analyze elements of art and principles of design in artwork
MediaSmarts Resources
Strand: Connect
Big Idea: Art and Culture
Skill Descriptor:
Discuss the role of visual art in creating, expressing, recording, and reflecting culture and human experiences.
Achievement Indicators:
Describe how visual communication systems are a part of everyday life
Discuss the role the arts play in building intercultural understanding, mutual respect, and positive relationships
Discuss art styles from a variety of historical and cultural contexts
Discuss ways personal experiences influence responses to art
Give examples of the roles of artists in the global community
List potential careers available to those trained in the visual arts
Describe the moral, legal, and ethical issues involved in reproducing work
MediaSmarts Resources
- Comic Book Characters
- Impact! How to Make a Difference When You Witness Bullying Online
- Prejudice and Body Image
- Put Your Best Face Forward
- Up, Up and Away? (TM)
Big Idea: Art Form Relationships
Skill Descriptor:
Compare the relationship between visual art and other art forms.
Achievement Indicators:
Discuss elements of art and principles of design in the natural and built environments
Describe connections between the visual arts and other subject areas
MediaSmarts Resources
Strand: Communicate
Big Idea: Reflect and Respond
Skill Descriptor:
Analyze artistic intent in their own and others’ expressive works.
Achievement Indicators:
Discuss how elements of art and principles of design are used in a variety of artwork