Outcome Chart - British Columbia - Science Grade 4

This outcome chart contains media-related learning outcomes from the British Columbia, Grade 4 Science curriculum, with links to supporting resources on the MediaSmarts site.

Curricular Competencies

Students are expected to be able to do the following:

Questioning and predicting

  • Demonstrate curiosity about the natural world
  • Observe objects and events in familiar contexts
  • Identify questions about familiar objects and events that can be investigated scientifically
  • Make predictions based on prior knowledge

Planning and conducting

  • Suggest ways to plan and conduct an inquiry to find answers to their questions
  • Safely use appropriate tools to make observations and measurements, using formal measurements and digital technology as appropriate
  • Collect simple data

Processing and analyzing data and information

  • Experience and interpret the local environment
  • Sort and classify data and information using drawings or provided tables
  • Use tables, simple bar graphs, or other formats to represent data and show simple patterns and trends


  • Make simple inferences based on their results and prior knowledge
  • Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence
  • Identify some simple environmental implications of their and others’ actions

Applying and innovating

  • Contribute to care for self, others, school, and neighbourhood through individual or collaborative approaches
  • Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving


  • Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a variety of ways, such as diagrams and simple reports, using digital technologies as appropriate
  • Express and reflect on personal or shared experiences of place

MediaSmarts Resources


Students are expected to know the following:

  • biomes as large regions with similar environmental features

MediaSmarts Resources