Data Defenders Teacher's Guide

Although young people worry about their privacy online, most are largely unaware of the vast amounts of behavioural and tracking information that is collected about them – and do little to protect themselves. This is important, as the minute children start going online they are purchasing online services with their personal info: in fact, apps and websites aimed at children collect more data than those aimed at adults.

Data DefendersBy age ten, most Canadian children are active participants in the information economy, driving the need to ensure that they understand not only the commercial considerations of the platforms they use but also the ways in which those considerations influence how – and how much – they share.

The purpose of Data Defenders is to teach children and pre-teens about personal information and its value, and to introduce them to ways to manage and protect their personal information on the websites and apps they enjoy.

This Teacher’s Guide includes background information, learning expectations and points of discussion on the types of personal information and privacy-management strategies that are presented in the game. The guide also includes an overview of the Data Defenders game, and exercises and handouts to help students to develop skills and confidence to manage their privacy online.