Understanding the Internet Lesson 2: Pathways and Addresses Lesson Plan

Level: Grades 4 to 6

About the Author: This lesson was written for MediaSmarts by Ethan Anderson

Duration: 1 hour

This lesson is part of USE, UNDERSTAND & ENGAGE: A Digital Media Literacy Framework for Canadian Schools.


In this lesson, students will gain a greater understanding of how messages are sent and received over the Internet. They will analyze three videos to identify key information and vocabulary that will help them to continue constructing their Online Dictionaries from Lesson 1.

This lesson is part of the Understanding the Internet lesson series.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will develop their understanding of how messages travel from one IP address to another.
  • Students will work collaboratively to analyze and evaluate several digital media texts.

Home and School Connection

This lesson and all associated documents (handouts, overheads, backgrounders) are available in an easy-print, pdf kit version.