Digital and Media Literacy Outcomes by Province & Territory

Wild Rose (cropped). Credit -


This section comprises a curricular overview, as well as information about professional development for media education.
Photo of Prairie Crocus (Pulsatilla nuttalliana)


This section comprises a curricular overview, as well as curriculum charts for Grades K-12 that feature media education outcomes in the Manitoba curriculum, with links to supporting MediaSmarts resources and lessons.


Photo credits

Photo : Viola pedatifida

New Brunswick

This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and about New Brunswick's provincial media education association, the Association for a Media Literate New Brunswick (A-4-ML-NB) (in the left menu).


Photo credits

Photo : Sarracenia purpurea

Newfoundland and Labrador

This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and about Newfoundland and Labrador's provincial media education association, the Association for Media Literacy for Newfoundland and Labrador (AMLNL) in the left menu.


Photo credits

Photo : Dryas octopetala

Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories is a member of the Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education (WNCP), formed in 1995 for curriculum development by the four Western provinces and two territories. (Nunavut joined the WNCP in 2000.)


Photo credits

Photo : Epigaea repens

Nova Scotia

This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and about Nova Scotia's provincial media education association, Media Literacy Nova Scotia (MLNS) in the left menu.


Photo credits

Photo : Saxifraga oppositifolia


In 2016 Nunavut launched a comprehensive K-12 curriculum that includes locally-developed courses and courses adapted from other provinces and territories.


Photo credits

Photo : Trillium grandiflorum


This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and about Ontario's provincial media education association, the Association for Media Literacy (AML), in the sidebar.


Photo credits

Photo : Cypripedium acaule

Prince Edward Island

This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and about media education associations in Prince Edward Island in the left menu.


Photo credits

Photo : Iris versicolor


This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and information about media education associations in Quebec.


Photo credits

Photo : Lilium philadelphicum


This section comprises a curricular overview (below), as well as information about professional development for media education, and about Saskatchewan's provincial media education association, Media Literacy Saskatchewan (MLS), in the left menu.


Photo credits

Photo : Chamaenerion angustifolium


Yukon follows the British Columbia (BC) English Language Arts curriculum for Grades K-12, which is based on the WCP framework. At the secondary level, Yukon is implementing the BC Integrated Resource Packages (IRPs). In this curriculum, media-related outcomes have been included within the three areas of Comprehend and Respond, Communicate Ideas and Information, and Self and Society. 


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