Outcome Chart - Manitoba - Music 9-12

Connecting (M-C2)

Overall Expectations

The learner develops understandings about relationships between music and multiple contexts past and present by:

Specific Expectations

  • examining how music and music artists reflect, interpret, and record traditions, values, beliefs, issues, and events in society and culture;
  • demonstrating awareness of the impact of context on music artists and their works (e.g. consider personal, social, cultural, political, economic, geographical, environmental, historical, technological contexts, etc.);
  • examining ways that music and music artists influence, comment on, question, and challenge social, political, and cultural discourse and identity;
  • exploring how music and music artists influence and are influenced by other arts and subject areas.

MediaSmarts Resources

Connecting (M-C3)

Overall Expectations

The learner develops understandings about the roles, purposes, and meanings of music for self and others by:

Specific Expectations

examining ways that music and music artists influence personal growth, identity, and relationships with others;

exploring how music and music artists make and communicate meaning and create unique and new ways for knowing ourselves and perceiving the world;

MediaSmarts Resources