Young Canadians in a Wired World, Phase III: Talking to Youth and Parents about Life Online

This report sets out the findings of an exploratory qualitative research study that examined the attitudes and experiences of children, youth and parents relating to networked communications technologies.

Young Canadians in a Wired World, Phase III: Teachers' Perspectives

This study explores the attitudes of Canadian teachers regarding networked technologies in classrooms: do they enhance learning and what is the impact on the teacher-student relationship? Results indicate that there are significant challenges to overcome in integrating technology in meaningful ways that enrich the learning process. A number of best practices are also identified.

The Privacy Piece

Report on Privacy Competencies in Digital Literacy Programs in Canada, Britain, Australia, America, and Brazil

Internet and Canada’s Future: Opportunities and Challenges

Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), along with its partners Media Awareness Network and the International Institute for Sustainable Development, released this report on the findings from the Canadian Internet Forum. This national consultation, which took place in February 2011 and was hosted by these three organizations, provided a venue where Canadians could express their thoughts on how the Internet should be run in Canada.

From Consumer to Citizen: Digital Media and Youth Civic Engagement

A discussion paper focusing on the impact of media – especially interactive technology – on civic and political engagement for children and youth. It also looks at the ways in which educators can effectively integrate digital literacy into their classrooms to foster and support youth civic engagement.

Digital Literacy in Canada: From Inclusion to Transformation

The Digital Literacy in Canada discussion paper is a response to the Government of Canada's Digital Economy Consultation, launched in May 2010. The paper calls for federal leadership in the creation of a national digital literacy strategy to ensure all Canadians have the necessary skills to use digital technologies to their fullest potential.

Young Canadians in a Wired World – Phase II, Trends and Recommendations

Young Canadians in a Wired World – Phase II focus groups and the student survey that followed made it very clear that the Net has become an integral part of young Canadians’ social environment. Trends and Recommendations looks at the findings from both the qualitative and quantitative research to create a snapshot of that environment.

Young Canadians in a Wired World – Phase II Student Survey

In 2005, Media Awareness Network (MNet) surveyed young people across the country to find out about their Internet activities. The Young Canadians in a Wired World (YCWW) Phase II student survey, conducted by ERIN Research, explores new areas of interest and revisits some of the initial findings from the baseline study of 2001.

Young Canadians in a Wired World – Phase II Focus Groups

In November 2003, the Media Awareness Network (MNet) conducted qualitative research, regarding young people’s Internet use, through a series of focus groups with parents and young people, aged 11-17, in Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal.

Canada's Children In A Wired World: The Parents' View

The Media Awareness Network's first survey, Canada's Children In A Wired World: The Parents' View, was conducted by Environics Research Group in March 2000. It was funded by Industry Canada, in partnership with Health Canada and Human Resources Development Canada.