Gender Stereotypes and Body Image - Lesson Lesson Plan
Level: Grades 6 and 7
Author: These lessons are an adaptation of Grade 8 lessons from the Curriculum Healthy Relationships, by Men For Change, Halifax, Nova Scotia, a 53-activity, three-year curriculum designed for teens. The Act Like a Man/Be Ladylike exercises were originated by Paul Kivel, in association with the Oakland Men's project, Oakland, California © Oakland Men's Project.
To make students aware of the dangers of gender stereotyping and the media's role in perpetuating gender stereotypes.
Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate:
- an understanding of the potentially damaging effects of living up to stereotypes, and how they can lead to abuse and violence against ourselves and others.
- an understanding of the media's role in perpetuating these stereotypes.
- an understanding that "going along with the crowd" can involve sacrificing one's own principles, as well as infringing on the rights of others.
This lesson and all associated documents (handouts, overheads, backgrounders) is available in an easy-print, pdf kit version.
Lesson Kit