Research and Evaluation at MediaSmarts

Our Approach

At MediaSmarts, our educational resources, public awareness campaigns, and policy recommendations are grounded in our original research. In collaboration with various partners, our research team specializes in designing and facilitating both qualitative and quantitative research projects and conducting evaluations of all our programs and resources.

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about mlw

What We Do

MediaSmarts conducts qualitative and quantitative research projects; designs and facilitates program and resource evaluation; and mobilizes the findings and recommendations from our research - all in collaboration with various community and academic partners.

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Research Reports

Find our latest research reports on topics ranging from online harm to digital well-being and online resilience here.


Reporting platforms report cover

Young Canadians in a Wireless World (YCWW)

YCWW is Canada’s longest running and most comprehensive research study on young people’s attitudes and behaviours regarding the internet, surveying over 20,000 parents, teachers, and students since 2000.

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Cover - Digital Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship
Cover - YCWW, Phase IV - Trends and Recommendations